I’m very excited that Snow Leopard is on the horizon. The idea of a smaller, more efficient operating system is incredibly appealing to me. With the implementation of technology like OpenCL and Grand Central, we’re in for some pretty snappy computing in our near future. Don’t think that is exciting? You should. If you’re reading Macgasm, you probably spend a fair amount of time on your Mac. Snow Leopard is a $30 update that is exclusively designed to make your computer better. If Snow Leopard delivers what Apple is promising, we’re going to be in darn good shape as Mac enthusiasts.
If the under-the-hood tweaks don’t get you all hot and bothered like they do for me, it should also be noted that OS X will now ship with Exchange support built in. Now all of you whiney business types (I’m looking at you, CNET) can stop your complaining. On top of that, we’ll be seeing the implementation of Quicktime X. The new chrome-less look will make watching videos a much more pleasant experience.
Some minor things have also been updated. Stacks have been implemented slightly differently, and now they will actually be useful. Instead of making you click through to see all of your icons, now you can scroll through without having to launch a Finder window. But maybe you’ll want to launch a Finder window now that it has been rewritten in Cocoa to take advantage of the horse power of your computer. All of these tiny things are adding up.
Snow Leopard might not seem that exciting on the surface, but I think we’ll all end up praising Apple for making our computers work better than ever.
Photo Credit: freeparking