It times of financial difficulty, it’s imperative that we all get a firm grasp on our finances before we find ourselves in a heap of trouble and in foreclosure on our homes. No application can help you keep your home, but a good program can help you spot spending trends and help you trim the fat and pad your wallet. One of the greatest problems we encounter in our personal financing lives is putting all those crappy barely legiblereceiptsinto our programs when we get home, it’s laborious, and it’s a major waste of time.
Cha-ching has released an iPhone app today that lets you put your receipt information into your finance database on the fly, while it’s happening. It’s a great first step in getting us to be more responsible with our money.
With a few taps you can:
- Enter new expenses
- Set up and stick to a monthly budget
- Securely lock your data with a password
- Track spending across unlimited custom categories
- Track income and expenses across multiple accounts
- Sync transactions to the desktop with Cha-Ching 2 for Mac
You can get it on the iTunes store. An apprehensive review is in the works, along with screen cast, and Cha-Ching Beta 2 thoughts… so stay tuned.