One of the hardest things to do when creating a video podcast is getting your content around the internet as effectively as possible. I’ve been using tube mogul for a while and it’s doing an excellent job, but there’s a lot to be said about having a desktop application that lets you upload your videos, instead of having to navigate to a website.
Vimeo has decided that it’s time that they address that concern, and they’re giving us a desktop application to upload our videos. It’s not in public beta yet, but you can request a beta copy by requesting it on this discussion thread. I’m pretty excited about this, and when you pair it with the fact that we’re working on a fully fledged video podcast, it starts to look super appealing for content creators.
Other stuff they’re adding to their service includes, advanced statistical analysis tools, larger videos, as well as better groups and channels. It’s an exciting time for Vimeo lovers, and it’s sure to bring back past users. We’ll be monitoring the beta for you, and keeping you posted once we’ve taken it for a spin.