It looks like Apple’s drive to go green is forcing Volex, makers of Apple’s power cables, to develop halogen-free cords. While this will mean good things for the environment and their public image, it doesn’t code well for their pocket books.
The start-up costs in designing and making the new cables will cost it up to $6 million in the current financial year, Volex said today, although, stripping out these one-off costs, profits will be in line with market expectation.
That said, Volex is positive about continued growth. If Apple was our biggest customer, we would be too. Apple is seeing continued growth even in markets that are seeing declines elsewhere. While this is a non-trivial initial investment, Apple’s continued business is a damn-near guarantee of growth.
Apple, as a company, has spent substantial resources on being one of the most environmentally sound electronics companies in the world. We’re glad to see Apple’s continued dedication to environmentally-friendly tech, and it makes us even prouder to be Mac users.
Source: London Evening Standard
Image Credit: Jinx!