The popular Apple Trailer site has received a recent downgrade as downloads are no longer permitted for trailers uploaded on May 22nd or after. Plus, streaming is no longer allowed for these specific trailers in 1080p.
Previously, viewers could go to the site on their computers and stream or download trailers in 480p, 720p, and 1080p. Streaming is only available in 480p and 720p now, and downloads are gone, which is a bummer for people who prefer to download their trailers and watch them later instead of streaming them.
This move will lead to further speculation that other sites that show trailers will also have to follow these same restrictions, such as YouTube.
Currently it is unclear why this unfortunate change was made. Apple could have been pressured by Hollywood to not allow these options any longer. Maybe with a large enough outcry from users, Apple could reverse course and allow streaming and downloading options like the ones they had in place before this change. But, we wouldn’t count on it. They’re honey badgers down there in Cupertino.