A few weeks ago, we told you about the fancy new Apple Store that’s currently being proposed for San Francisco’s Union Square. It seems now that not all of the city’s residents are too thrilled about the proposed building.
While city officials are ecstatic about the proposed Apple Store, stating that it will greatly boost business within the region, some other citizens are concerned about some of the sacrifices that will have to be made in order to create the building.
San Francisco Chronicle urban design critic John King has written a piece criticizing Apple’s plans, targetting things like the direct sunlight that will constantly shine through the 80 foot glass wall, the overall design of the building, and how it will negatively impact the plaza behind the store.
King states that Apple’s current plans have the plaza being decreased in size as well as the removal of a 40 year old fountain from the plaza to make room for the expansive store.
The fountain was also designed as the centerpiece of the existing triangular plaza along Stockton Street, wrapped in the upward ripple of brick steps. Passersby stop, look, take photographs and smile.
Apple, apparently, has different ideas. A study of the plans shows no sign of the fountain. The broad, inviting steps are gone.
King isn’t too confident that most of his concerns will be addressed before the store is built, considering how already supportive the city was at the announcement of the proposed building.
“Apple’s new store is quite simply incredible,” said Mayor Lee at the announcement of the store. “San Francisco is the Innovation Capital of the World, and I can think of no better location for the world’s most stunning Apple Store than right here in Union Square. I want to thank Apple for their investment in this City and continued commitment to growing jobs in San Francisco.”