Apple Board Member Al Gore (a man once known as the Vice President of the United States) spoke today about his memories of Steve Jobs, saying that the co-founder and iCEO of Apple did not want everyone asking “What would Steve do?” after his passing. Jobs succumbed to cancer on October 5th, and many high-profile personalities have come forward to share their memories of him, as Gore did today at the AsiaD Conference in Hong Kong.
Gore explained to the crowd how Jobs did not want those who would continue to run Apple after his death to slavishly work towards preserving his legacy and, instead, urged them to “follow their own voice.” One must remember that Jobs’ passing, though sad, was not unexpected; Jobs and the Apple Board of Directors worked together to put good people in place that would protect not just the consistency of Apple’s profits but also its history of innovation. The Next Web talks about Walt Mossberg interviewing Gore and the interesting gems which came from the exchange:
Mossberg and Gore assessed Apple’s position in the post-Jobs era, which Gore believes will continue to be about risk-taking and game-changing. Gore is confident for the future of the company where he believes that “everyone on that management team could be CEO of a world class corporation”.
Mossberg himself, as a writer for the Wall Street Journal, has been a consistent fan of Apple’s products and its gradual evolution over the years, particularly since Steve Jobs’ return as CEO in 1996.
Source: AllThingsD