Let’s Macgasm Together

Every Friday, I ask all of you to take a moment, and join us on our social networks. We believe interaction between the content creators and the consumers is a vital part of our medium, so we want to hear from you as much as possible.


We share all of our very best content via Facebook. If you’re a Facebook fanatic, you’ll always be in the loop with the latest Mac news. Be sure to Like our page, and then leave us a message.


Tweeting our staff is the best way to get two-way communication. If you have something interesting to say to us, I’m sure every staff member would be happy to respond.


My favorite aspect is our Flickr group. Mac fans from around the world post their Apple-related pictures to our group, and then they’re automatically displayed right on our sidebar. If you’re a photog, let’s see what you’ve got in store for us!

Thanks for communicating with us. Every time we hear from you, we’re inspired to write more.

Grant is a writer from Delaware. In his spare time, Grant maintains a personal blog, hosts The Weekly Roar, hosts Quadcast, and writes for video games.