While it’s been roughly a year and a half since the passing of Apple’s longtime CEO, Steve Jobs still manages to find his way into many of our conversations. Because of his influence and status, the new start-up site Rememberum, a site that allows users to create their own memorials for lost loved ones, has chosen to make a memorial for Jobs as both a cool way of remembering the late visionary and as a way of promoting the site’s service.
From the site:
The Steve Jobs microsite is part of the initial release of Rememberum. We decided to create a feature-rich memorial website for Steve Jobs, to help demonstrate how Rememberum can enable visitors to easily build tasteful online memorials for their loved ones.
The memorial was created to resemble the style of Apple’s original Mac OS, complete with black and white colors and a “pixel-perfect” representation of the Mac OS’s original look. Rememberum developer David Kelly discussed some of the process on his blog:
One of the primary goals of the design was to simulate the original Macintosh OS interface as closely as possible – this meant pixelated (pixel-perfect) graphics as well as some of the original functionality of the Macintosh, such as keyboard folder navigation and double-clicking. We separated key points in his life into groups of folders and individual files. The folders have keyboard navigation and it is possible to hold down CTRL to select multiple files to open. Each file opens as a ‘textpad’ file and can be moved and cascaded like any window. This, coupled with the keyboard navigation and small retro animations helped to provide a more genuine experience of the original Macintosh computer.
Rememberum’s site is free to use for anyone looking to create their own memorials, while the site says that premium features will be added in the future. The choice to promote the site with a memorial for someone as well known and admired as Steve Jobs seems to have been a good one that will likely get many people to try out the Canadian based startup’s new service.