This is too great not to pass along. Patrick Rhone, the progenitor of one of our favorite websites Minimal Mac, posted about Hopefully Sunny today. This web application takes your email and postal code, then emails you the weather forecast, but with a twist. Instead of making you click on the email to get the information, all of the pertinent details about the weather will be directly on the subject line.
So, instead of having to open the email, you can see the weather, then move on to your next email. The idea behind Hopefully Sunny is so basic and clever that it’s surprising no one has thought about it until now. That usually means the company is in for some success.
I was going to take it for a spin, but it turns out that it’s currently U.S. only. So if you live in the US of A, you can sign up and take it for a spin.
Article Via Minimal Mac