Vine, the video-sharing app by Twitter, has a new update today, bringing a mature age rating, an option to report or block users, and social sharing abilities after videos are posted.
Following recent controversy over the discovery of porn content on the app, Vine’s update has given the app a 17+ age rating. It was previously rated for users aged 12 and up. The app now requires that users confirm their age before displaying content, though I don’t know how secure this actually is since users just have to push “OK” to get to the content.
Photo-sharing service 500px was also removed from the App Store over adult content fears but then was re-added with a 17+ age rating. Tumblr also joined the club by updating to require a mature confirmation as well.
Vine now also has the option to report or block a user profile, which is an addition to the already existing option to report a specific video. This is another move by Twitter to manage inappropriate content and the block function is similar to that of Twitter’s own service.
Vine’s update also brings the ability to share to Facebook or Twitter right after a video has been posted. Most other multimedia services only allow content to be shared at a later date. Despite these changes though, Vine still doesn’t let you share other people’s videos to Twitter, Facebook or other social services.
You can get Vine from the App Store now for free.
Image Credit: The Next Web