Verizon testing 4G and bashing the iPhone? Pfft.

There’s been a barrage of Verizon news already this week, and the funny thing is that they’re on completely differing ends of an invisible spectrum that has Apple being happy at one end, and Apple being extremely annoyed on another. It’s pretty funny.

First it came out that Apple’s testing a 4G iPhone on the Verizon network. This in and of itself would be excellent news for consumers. It would mean the end of exclusivity in the US and it would also mean another step forward technologically. Who couldn’t get behind that? Here’s a quote from the blog.

My sources have confirmed that Apple and Verizon have been testing a CDMA iPhone on Verizon’s 4G LTE network. Yes, you read that correctly, Verizon and Apple have been testing the first 4G phone on Verizon’s 4G network.

Now this could be huge news if it were true, but I have my skepticisms about it. Not because this couldn’t be possible, but because today it was also announced that Verizon is about to release a pretty big advertisement campaign that pokes fun at the iPhone and promotes an Android phone, which is a pretty hilarious video by the way.

See how something doesn’t jive here, or am I the only one?

I don’t see Verizon slapping Apple in the face if they’re really working on a deal to bring the iPhone to their company, especially if it’s still in the precarious negotiation stages, that would be ridiculous.

I’m calling FUD on the 4G testing.

Did I mention that Apple’s testing a 5G iPhone on the Sprint network?  That should get some extra traffic.

Via 9 to 5 Mac and Electronista

Image Credit: LafayetteBeacon

Joshua is the Content Marketing Manager at BuySellAds. He’s also the founder of And since all that doesn’t quite give him enough content to wrangle, he’s also a technology journalist in his spare time, with bylines at PCWorld, Macworld… Full Bio