Skype for both iPhone and iPad has been updated today, bringing free and unlimited video messaging, stability improvements for audio and video calls and the ability to share more photos more reliably.
Instead of leaving a written message for someone that isn’t online at the moment, you can send a three minute video clip with a short message. It’s like leaving a voicemail on someone’s phone, except they can see you. Being able to see someone leave a video message is much more personal than a written message. You can see a real smile, other facial expressions and hear tone, instead of just seeing the colon and bracket smiley we all use.
Before now, Skype limited free video messaging to premium accounts only with unlimited allowance, but now all Skype users can enjoy for free the unlimited video messaging feature. This feature was rolled out slowly, first as a preview to test the feature, but now it’s available as a fully functioning feature for all Skype users.
On top of free and unlimited video messaging, Skype also brings some other improvements to the app. These include audio and video call stability improvements, the ability to share photos more reliably, improved accessibility for video messaging, and general fixes and improvements.
Skype is free for both iPhone and iPad on the App Store, so go download the new version and give the new video messaging a go.
Image Credit: OhGizmo!