Rumors are flying that Apple is working on a “world mode” iPhone that is compatible with Verizon Wireless” CDMA network. According to the Money Times, here are the rumored iPhone specs:
- Handset set to release in 2010 will have a smaller screen
- 2.8-inches, way smaller than the current iPhone’s 3.5-inch display
- Place calls over Wi-Fi
- Display photos
- Play music as well as high-definition video
The Apple/AT&T exclusivity deal is suppose to end next year, but no one is for sure if it will or not. Apple would benefit greatly if they were to end this deal because they will be able to extend their popular phone to a stable network and leave behind the connectivity issues that AT&T has.
However, can this be true? It makes you wonder if it is being that Verizon has been heavily advertising new Android phones, the DROID being recently released. Verizon seems to be partnering up with Google, so is there any room for Apple? Then there are the rumors that the Palm Pre is suppose to head to Verizon next year as well.
It will be interesting to see the events unfold in the next few months. For someone who wants to get an iPhone or an Android phone, I will hold off on getting any new phones until next year to see if the rumors are true.