Reeder is a popular RSS reading app for iOS. It relies on Google Reader, but creator Silvio Rizzi has said that Reeder will live on even after Google Reader shuts down on July 1. While Reeder is getting some updates, it will be free for the iPad and Mac, down from $4.99.
The iPhone app will remain a paid-for app at $2.99 because it already supports services other than Google Reader. Rizzi explained what he’s working on for Reeder for iPhone:
I’m currently working on integrating Feedbin and adding support for standalone/local RSS (still experimental). You’ll get these features with the next update (3.1) which should be ready soon. That’s just the beginning, the plan is to add more services you can choose from in the next weeks and months.
As of now, Reeder for Mac and iPad don’t support other RSS services, so they’ll be free until they get an update. It will be updated to version 2.0 in the coming months, bringing all the features of the iPhone version, including all sharing and syncing services.
If you haven’t already, you should definitely give Reeder a try, especially since the iPad and Mac versions are free for the next while.