Pulse, an app we’re pretty fond of, has decided to toss its hat in the ring and provide coverage of the 2012 election by curating news for you from a variety of source.
Starting today you can subscribe to a curated feed, which includes commentators like Hendrik Hertzberg, Erick Erickson, Rachel Maddow, Jared Bernstein, and David Horsey, alongside traditional news outlets like the Atlantic, Fox News, Daily Kos, the New Yorker, Al Jazeera, and a host of other sources.
All you have to do is add the sources you want to your feed, and you’ll be up to snuff politically in no time at all. Applications like Pulse do a great job of providing a mixture of news that I often neglect on a daily basis. My news feeds are very tech heavy. Having access to these kinds of event specific tie-ins within news reading apps is pretty huge. It makes following a particular topic very easy. Make sure you check it out.
If you are going to try it out, make sure you add us to your reading list as well. We’ve got a featured page you can check out!