A new report from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) revealed some interesting, though not entirely surprising, information about cell phones bills. According to the report, iPhones generate more in carrier fees than any other smartphone on the market.
The data discovered by CIRP found that the average monthly carrier bill of the typical iPhone user is the highest in the smartphone market and iPhone owners spend more on wireless fees than owners of any other handset, including Android, Blackberry or Windows Phone.
Sixty percent of iPhone users polled in the study during October-December 2012 spent more than $100 a month on their wireless plan, with 10% spending more than $200 or more. Only 6% spent $50 or less. As for Android users in the same category, 46% of Android users fell in the “over $100 per month” category, 7% spending over $200, and 13% spending under $50.
So why do iPhone owners have higher bills? “We think it has to do with their data plans and carriers, rather than their usage habits. They are all on expensive data plans, unlike Android users, some of which are on prepaid or unsubsidized plans with regional carriers,” explains CIRP co-founder Michael Levin.
So long story short, carriers are charging iPhone owners more because they own iPhones. Sounds fantastic.
Image Credit: Business Insider