Infinity Blade for iPhone and iPad released

It seems that the good folks in New Zealand got a chance to wield their swords a little early on Thursday with the December 9 release of Epic and ChAIR Entertainment’s new game Infinity Blade. Time zones, grrr. Perhaps one of the most anticipated games of the year, Infinity Blade pushes graphics on iOS devices to new highs. Using the Unreal Engine 3, the game is arguably the best looking game on the platform, knocking RageHD off from its “best looking game” throne after only 3 weeks.

Available for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, the game features a 3D castle in which your character must battle enemies in one on one sword battles. It will run on an iPhone 3GS, but is fully optimized for an iPhone 4’s higher resolution. It is available as a universal app, which is a nice touch.

I tried the game on my iPhone 3GS, and I’m pretty impressed with its performance. The game play is fluid and the graphics are stunning, even without a Retina Display.

During the demo in September at the Apple Event, they showed off multiplayer, but that feature is not yet available. It will be coming soon, and since the game is Game Center enabled, you will be able to battle others on your Game Center friend list. Also coming are new equipment, new enemies, and even a new dungeon area.

So go check it out in the App Store! Excuse me while I go slay a few more of these goons…

Article Via TiPB
Photo Credit: Engadget

Eugene Huo is a Juno Award winning recording engineer, video editor, photographer, and all around Mac geek. His first Mac experience was with the Macintosh Plus. You never forget your first. You can follow him on twitter @gamerparent, and check… Full Bio