The history of the iPhone video tribute

CNET UK Presents: History of the iPhone, dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs from Drew Stearne on Vimeo.

Today marks two weeks since the passing of Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs. Today is also his memorial. There have been many forms of tributes made to the man who reinvented, reengineered, and remade technology. Apple has even posted some on their site. However, CNET UK took things a step further by making a video that captures the essence of Steve’s legacy.

As the makers put it,

“The iPhone might be at the cutting edge of technology but it took a long time and many innovations to get there, take a trip through history and explore the people and technology that contributed to the iPhone becoming what it is today.”

Watch and enjoy.

Jared is a web designer with a passion for writing. Co-founded, The Industry & Evomail. Editor at