Greenpois0n Absinthe update brings Leopard compatibility and bug fixes

Version 0.4 of Absinthe, the popular untethered jailbreak method for iPad 2 and iPhone 4S, has been released. The update brings compatibility to Mac OS X Leopard and fixes up some bugs in the jailbreaking process. However, if you’ve already jailbroken your iOS device with Absinthe, there’s no need to do it again.

Here are some notes from the update:

  • Mac: added support for OSX 10.5, PPC and Intel CPU
  • Added consistency check on startup to make sure required files are in place
  • Windows: fixed bug in payload generator that might cause a crash

Such an announcement goes to show that the iPhone Dev Team is making sure its utility remains as snafu free as possible. It’s nice to know that they’re still thinking of all 1 million of us iOS5 jailbreakers.

Via: iMore

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