Google updates Gmail for iOS with custom signatures and other weird stuff

Okay Google. Nice move with the update. Google’s added custom signatures – or should I say signature – I forgot for a brief moment that there’s only one account allowed. They’ve added scribbles, changed the notification sounds, added vacation, nested labels, and  a little gear icon to access most of these features. Scribbles allows you to draw in an open canvas with multiple colors, brushes and line elements. Then, you can attach your creations to an email. This new feature is available in both the Gmail iOS app and Gmail mobile web app.

However, what the users want to know is when will you bring out a real app? Right now, you’re being beaten by Sent — an app created by one guy. Not to mention, Sparrow is on the move.

To answer this burning question, Google had this to say in their update announcement:

Behind the scenes, we’re continuing to work on highly requested features like banner notifications, multiple login support and the ability to send-as from any account already configured in Gmail. We want to make sure these are done right as we continue to improve the Gmail app.

Good job Google. Clearly you have your pulse on the nation’s deepests, darkest emailing desires. All we really want is to doodle in our emails.

Jared is a web designer with a passion for writing. Co-founded, The Industry & Evomail. Editor at