Flipboard is a fantastic interface to your world online. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Reader, and anything else you’re into can be tossed into Flipboard and made into a glossy magazine. The one aspect of social media that it was missing was audio. As of today, Flipboard now integrates with Soundcloud so you can listen to the jams and podcasts that your friends and favorite artists create right inside of Flipboard. Never before has there been such a wonderful app to experience your favorite media in one place. Included with the Soundcloud integration are dozens of recommended audio feeds for your listening pleasure right in the content guide.
Worth noting is the addition of VoiceOver support in this version of Flipboard. Now visually impaired iOS users can more easily navigate Flipboard so they enjoy great content right alongside of people with normal vision. It’s nice to see an effort to serve the disabled, and we certainly would like to see more like this in all applications across the board.
Also in this update is Readability support, Japanese localization, and the ability to drill down into separate sections of social networks on the iPhone version of Flipboard. As always, Flipboard is completely free, and there is no indication of how they ever plan to make money.