In an attempt to reverse the ho-hum opinion of its once passionate users, Flickr has updates its iOS app with new filters, live filters, and custom filters.
Filters! Filters! Filters!
Also included in the update, new camera tools (grids, pinch to zoom, focus locks) and editing tools like enhance, crop, sharpen, and adjust color are now free. Why they were once a paid feature set is beyond logic we can comprehend.
It’s Rant Time.
I’ll never understand how the world’s largest photo service on the web sat idly by as the Instagrams of the world absolutely annihilated them and poached users with very little effort. Time rolled along and yet Flickr did nothing. Now it’s a mad scramble to reverse the flow and get the average smartphone photographer back on its service.
I don’t know about you–pros not included–but it’s going to take a lot more than an Instagram app to get me to go back to Flickr. Of all the social networks released over the last decade, Flickr was the one I logged into daily to check snazzy photos. I’m not even a photographer and it was a daily stop on my web commute. Some time between then and now I stopped logging in and started looking at my Instagram feed a few times every single day. A web property that was once etched into my mind enough to get me to check them out daily is now not even an afterthought on most days.
Filters! Filters! Filters!
Too little. Way too late.