According to Consumer Reports, the iPhone 5 isn’t the only smartphone that experiences the infamous “purple haze” camera issue. This issue has been reported by a small number of iPhone 5 users after they experienced a small amount of purple glare in pictures taken by the iPhone 5. However, according to Consumer Reports, other smartphones and even high-end DSLR cameras suffer from this issue as well. Consumer Reports has issued the following statement on the issue:
The Apple iPhone 5, which our Ratings reveal is a standout camera, is no more prone to purple hazing on photos shot into a bright light source than its predecessor or than several Android phones with fine cameras, according to special Consumer Reports tests.
All camera lenses, even those made for expensive SLRs, can yield lens flare, which is produced by scattered reflections inside the lens from a bright light source. How much flare appears in an image depends on how you orient the lens.
It’s interesting to see Consumer Reports back up Apple’s claims of “you’re lighting it wrong”, as Consumer Reports tends to blow small Apple issues out of proportion (i.e., “AntennaGate”). And honestly, the purple haze isn’t even Apple’s issue: it’s a law of physics.