A huge complaint we’ve heard from many of you is that iOS devices can’t sync with multiple computers. When I was traveling all across the United States last year, I really wish I could have synced with my work laptop without removing my ability to sync with my personal computer. Well, jailbreakers now have the ability to sync to multiple iTunes libraries thanks to a Cydia application called MultiTunes.
The only real downside is that if you’re downloading apps on your device, you have to manually make sure that you go into this app and switch back to your default library. It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s better than not having the option available at all. I might have considered this if I was still jet-setting around the continent.
This really brings forth the question of when all of your content, no matter how trivial, will be handled by iCloud instead of iTunes? It can’t be far away. Apple is clearly betting heavily on iCloud being the anchor of the iOS and OS X experience going forward, and Lion’s digital distribution shows how much confidence Apple has in their ability to serve large amounts of data.
What do you think about this? Is this app worth jailbreaking for? Sound off in the comment section below this post. All you need is a Twitter or Facebook account to sign in.
Hat tip to ModMyI
Image Credit: TheGiantVermin