Apple has revised its iTunes Store’s terms and conditions to allow children under the age of thirteen to create an iTunes account and manage it themselves. The move comes as part of the new iPad in education initiative so the Apple ID must be requested by an “approved educational institution.”
Previously, you had to be over the age of thirteen to sign up for an account, which could have been an issue for schools hoping to use Apple’s devices to teach students.
The new terms state, “This iTunes Service is only available for individuals age 13 years or older, unless you are under 13 years old and your Apple ID was provided to you as a result of a request by an approved educational institution.”
The new terms come alongside new mobile device management (MDM) options that will allow teachers more capabilities and the ability to control the iPads being used by students. Teachers will be able to control the iPad setup, will have access to documents or printing and account changes. A feature that will really come in handy, more so for teachers than students, is the ability for teachers to prevent students from switching apps during a lesson. Sorry kids, no Angry Birds during class.
Image Credit: Marymount School