Australian developer Firemonkeys has released a quiet update to Real Racing 3 that fixes issues that involve wait timers. Before the update you had to wait for your car to be repaired from all the dents and destruction after a race, but now the repairs are done right away.
Service wait times have also been reduced by two-thirds. After a few races you’ll need to service your car since the tires, oil, and engine slowly degrade while the car is being used.
Real Racing 3 has only been released as a ‘soft launch’ in state countries like Australia and New Zealand, so only those countries have been able to play and will be happy to see the wait times have improved drastically.
By the time it goes global on February 28, the rest of the world won’t even have to experience the longer wait times and the game will hopefully be fixed of any other last minute bugs or issues before it reaches us.
Image Credit: EA