Samsung’s AMOLED display might be in the next iPhone

During CES I wrote a quick article about Samsung’s AMOLED displays being the future for Apple’s mobile devices. I admit that I didn’t think they’d...

iPhone users have A.D.D. Is it really a surprise?

There’s finally some “scientific” proof that iPhone users have serious A.D.D when it comes to their application use. It seems that after the first month...

Fring now does voice and video calls over 3G.

It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch, and the moment the first VOIP app was approved a while ago, we knew we’d...

Everyone’s favourite video streaming service, Hulu, going HTML5

Well excuse me if I’m not all super excited about Hulu’s attempt at moving to H.264. I live in Canada.. You know, America’s hat? Alright,...

We might be seeing Opera Mini on the iPhone

On the heals of being labeled the new IE6, Mobile Safari is going to be facing some stiff competition soon. That is, if Opera has...

iPad Camera kit gets some competition from Zoomit

A lot of people criticized the iPad for the lack of an SD card reader, despite Apple releasing the iPad Camera kit. I’m still not...

PwnageTool 3.1.5: Now ready for iPhone OS 3.1.3

The iPhone Dev team has been hard at work since iPhone OS 3.1.3 has been out, and today they’ve released PwnageTool version 3.1.5. If you’re...

AT&T to allow streaming video over 3G?

If there’s one thing mobile computing users want it’s the ability to stream their video content over the 3G network. We’ve seen a lot of...

iPhone OS 3.1.3: Some details behind the hidden fixes

Just recently, Apple released iPhone OS firmware 3.1.3. Our own Sofia Fontes wrote about the iPhone OS 3.1.3 being available, but I thought I would...

The iPhone and iPod Touch are Getting Final Fantasy I & II

Square-Enix has announced that the first two installments in their popular Final Fantasy franchise will be coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch. This isn’t...

Imagine getting all your favourite childhood games on an iPhone. Sega’s making it happen.

Finally a gaming company gets it right.  Instead of complaining about the existence of ROMs and emulators being installed on jailbroken iPhones, Sega has decided...

My Predictions for, “Come see our latest creation.”

Here’s a rundown of my predictions for January 27th’s “Come see our latest creation” event.  First, I do believe that Apple will be introducing the...

$1000 Bar Exam iPhone Application

BarMax CA has been released for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It is a prep course for the California Bar. Big whoop, right? Californian law-students...

UK iPhone carrier speed test showdown have put together this short video showing the speed differences on the 3 main carriers in the UK by loading up Google Earth, one...

Woz and His Gadgets

I find it funny when Woz is being interviewed by the media they will generally make it sound like he is being negative towards Apple...

iTunes U: Stanford CS193P: iPhone Application Programming Updated

Stanford has updated the iPhone OS iTunes U to show the Winter 2010 class. The class is taught by Alan Cannistraro and Josh Shaffer. This...

iPhone OS 4.0 being tested, and is on hold until announcement on the 27th?

Our phones have bugs, they’ll always have bugs, and we’ll always need updates to our devices. What’s interesting is that Rick Broida, of CNET fame,...

3G plan required for the Tablet says France Telecom executive

Some people are in full out panic mode as Stephane Richard, deputy chief executive of France Telecom/Orange, seemed to imply that the tablet might be...