Google On The Hook For $22.5 Million Privacy Fine

In a move to actually protect your privacy, which may be a first from a judge in recent years, U.S. District Judge Susan Illston has...

China Brings The Book Down On iPhone-Smuggling … Housewives?

While there are plenty of reasons as to why people want iPhones, one thing is universal: we all want one. (Except for the Android folk,...

Judge Allows Apple, Samsung To Add Devices To Smartphone Lawsuit

On Thursday, U.S. Judge Paul S. Grewal ruled that both Apple and Samsung may add additional products to the smartphone lawsuit scheduled to begin hearings...

China Doubles iPad Sales Following Resolution Of Trademark Dispute With Proview

Apple iPad sales have doubled following the resolution of a trademark dispute with Chinese firm Proview Technology, which had registered for the “IPAD” trademark in...

Apple Appealing Encyclopedia Copyright Ruling In China

In September, the Beijing Second Intermediate People’s Court ruled that Apple was guilty of infringing on Encyclopedia copyright laws for the unauthorized use of a...

Samsung Executive Confirms They Have No Plans To Settle With Apple

HTC and Apple recently came to a settlement to end the ongoing patent battles outside of the courtroom. When asked if Samsung would follow HTC’s...

Apple Slammed With $368 Million Fine Over FaceTime Lawsuit

Apple has been found guilty of infringing on patents with its FaceTime video calling feature and is now being forced to pay $368 million in...

Federal Judge To Review Jury Misconduct Claims In Apple Vs. Samsung Trial

In August, Federal District Judge Lucy Koh ruled in favor of Apple and ordered Samsung to pay $1 billion to Apple for patent infringement. Since...

Patent For A Rectangle With Rounded Corners? Apple Owns That

Just when you thought the patent system couldn’t get any more absurd, the US Patent and Trademark office goes out and does the unthinkable: granting...

Apple Adds Galaxy Note 10.1 And Android 4.1 To Ongoing Samsung Lawsuit

Today, Apple told judge Paul S. Grewald that they would like to add the Galaxy Note 10.1 to its ongoing lawsuit against Samsung. Apple is...

U.S. Judge Dismisses Apple Vs. Motorola Patent Licensing Lawsuit

Last week Apple had agreed to license patents from Motorola, but would not pay more than a dollar for each iPhone sold. Apple then filed...

Apple’s Apology To Samsung Deemed Unsatisfactory, UK Website Front Now Has New Statement

You’ve got to love it when big companies bicker like children in the schoolyard. Figuratively speaking, mega-corporations Apple and Samsung have been at each other’s...

Apple’s Rewritten Apology To Samsung Appears In UK Newspapers

Yesterday Apple was ordered by the UK court of appeal to remove its so-called “apology” to Samsung from its website as it was considered “non-compliant”...

Apple To Pay Motorola No More Than A Dollar For Patent Licensing

For the first time in Apple history, Apple has agreed to license patents from Motorola. FOSS Patents has reported that Apple is looking to license...

Apple And Amazon Continue To Squabble Over “App Store” Term, Looks Like Apple Might Lose This One

Apple filed a suit claiming Amazon falsely advertised by using the term “app store,” and at a hearing on Wednesday in Oakland Federal Court, Apple...

The ITC Hands Apple Another Patent Victory Over Samsung

When it seems as if Samsung couldn’t get in any more trouble with Apple, it did. A judge with the United State’s International Trade Commission...

Apple Sort Of Apologizes To Samsung, But Not Really

A few months ago, a court in the UK ruled in favor of Samsung, saying the company didn’t infringe on Apple’s design patents. The judge...

Dutch Court Rules Against Apple, Says Samsung Does Not Infringe On Apple Multitouch Patent

Apple filed a lawsuit alleging that Samsung infringed on its multitouch patent with the Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablets but, according to Reuters, the Dutch...