GAget looks to be the sexiest way to keep track of your Google Analytics stats on the iPhone. This app, though it doesn’t aim to be a full-featured Google Analytics client, lets you view quick stats on up to eight of your Google Analytics-enabled websites while avoiding the clunky Google Analytics website.
The statistics included in the app are: visits, unique viewers, total page views, and your bounce rate amongst a few other features. On top of this, a beautiful, two-week long graph is shown at the top of each website’s page within GAget. Daily views are also available for each website, so you can watch the stats roll-in each and every day.
As far as the app’s user-interface goes, it’s downright beautiful with GAget’s use of blue-and-white coloring and a tasteful amount of transparency.
This is one of those apps that has a design that makes me really love the mobile era. Grab it on the App Store for $1.99.