We’ve seen a lot of iOS 7 concepts roll across our desks the last couple of weeks, but for the most part a lot of them are pipe dreams. Rarely has their been a concept that makes a lot little bit of sense when we place it against realistic practices at Apple. There’s no way we’re getting widgets. No one uses them.
Taking a flyer from other popular application updates that have flattened UI elements, Tim Green, of Divide by Enterproid, has built a pretty interesting alternative to the iOS Messages icon.
Green, in a post over on Medium:
I tried to apply the stylings and approaches that I discussed before and also made a simple change to pull the Label text down in boldness to Helvectica Neue Medium and up the font size to 26px to give it clearer counters and a smoother, more legible readability.
The Messages icon is the end result of Green’s study, but the information he presents along the way is worth reading and spending a moment or two thinking about, especially if you’re into iOS 7 conjecture.
Via Cult of Mac