Ever wonder just how much profit your favorite company makes per minutes? What about in a 30 minute span? A neat little website just popped up on our radar that calculates, and reports estimated earnings of your favorite tech companies by the second.
For instance, Apple makes about $142,459 in profit, over a two minute span. Twitter, on the other hand, loses about $2,482 dollars over the same time period. Interestingly, Samsung is outperforming Google in the “Profit” race.
All the calculations are based on the financial data reported by the individual companies during the 2013 fiscal year, so they are, in fact, based on actual, real financial information for each company.
If you’re interested in seeing how quickly a company will earn more in a moment than you do in a year, or ten, it’s worth checking out the “Turning A Profit” chart. Pretty crazy stuff happening over there.
Thanks for the Tip Brennan