The Macgasm weekly rewind focuses on our original content and reviews that you may have missed the week starting June 13th. First up this week Corey gets über geeky with his post on the server setup he did that has the Macgasm servers handling traffic like a champ. Nothing gets past Stephen’s attention to detail. He spotted that Apple changed their support page. This week on our audio podcast Joshua and Stephen take a trip down memory lane talking about iTools, .Mac, MobileMe and iCloud. Jane reviews the iOS game “Hanging With Friends.” Am I the only one that thought the name was odd at first? Sorry, back to the topic at hand. Stephen finds the new and improved “About This Mac” menus in Lion. He also brings us an amazing beauty shot of an iPhone 4 in his Flickr Find Friday post. Hope you all had a great week and are having an even better weekend. Thanks for reading!
- How Macgasm came to love traffic: Our hosting setup
-’s support page gets major overhaul
- Podcast: From iTools to iCloud, a brief history
- Hanging With Friends is a fun hangman game with a twist
- ‘About This Mac’ gains huge overhaul in Lion
- Flickr Find Friday: Maybe our favorite iPhone photo ever