Apple recently sent out an e-mail to various Internet radio stations and asked them to submit cover art to use in the future on iTunes and mobile devices. This request is likely because Apple is planning to feature independent streaming music stations more so than in the past, which could include making them available on iOS.
Here’s what the e-mail had to say in full:
Dear Internet Radio Provider,
Cover Art
The iTunes Store now requires cover art for Internet Radio stations. The cover art files must be 1400 x 1400 pixels in JPG or PNG format using RGB color space. The image URL must end in “.jpg”, “.jpeg” or “.png”. To add cover art to your station, send an email to itunesradio@apple.com including your contact name, station name and cover art file.
Cover art should avoid pixelation. Any text should be legible at reduced image sizes on small devices. Note that Internet Radio cover art is not currently displayed.
Questions about iTunes Radio?
Check out iTunes Radio here.
The iTunes Internet Radio Team
iTunes features hundreds of streaming radio stations, which includes a number of college and foreign stations.
iTunes Radio will launch this fall with iOS 7, and if you haven’t already heard, it’s a service similar to the already popular services like Pandora and Rdio. It will be an ad-supported service that allows users to stream and listen to music. At this point it’s not really clear how Apple is planning to use existing streaming Internet radio stations with iTunes Radio.
Image Credit: shakedownfm