If you were planning to ask Apple on letting you use its company brand name to sell your products, you should probably start saving up some cash.
Apple has taken top spot in a study done by Brand Finance, which set out to find the top 500 most valuable company brands in the U.S. The list was created “by estimating the royalty rate that would be charged for use of the brand and factoring in future revenue.”
Apple’s brand took the number one spot, with an estimated value of $104.6 billion. Trailing behind in second place was Google, which was given a brand value of $68.6 billion.
A number of other key players in the tech industry made the list as well, including Microsoft coming third, AT&T placing sixth, Amazon placing seventh, Intel placing 18th, and Facebook being given the 48th spot.
You can see the full list of all 500 companies here, as well as a small infographic below: