Similar to Black Friday, Apple recently updated its website to tease the upcoming one day event to celebrate the Chinese New Year, dubbed “Red Friday,” which will take place on January 25. Just like for Black Friday, Asian customers can get limited time deals on Macs, iPads, iPods, and accessories like Apple’s Smart Cover.
Apple hasn’t revealed the exact details of the deals, but the site is already revealing a few tidbits, like the option to get items engraved with a New Year’s message without charge and free shipping.
Last year, customers in China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines were eligible for Apple’s one-day Chinese New Year sale. Customers discounts of up to 8% on iPads, 10% on iPod touches, and a flat discount of HK$770 on all models of MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and the iMac.
Apple began offering its gift guide on January 3 for Chinese customers in preparation for this upcoming one-day sale, which features products like the iPad mini and the iPhone, as well as a number of third-party accessories from companies like Bose, Logitech, and Griffin.