Apple’s HR team has sent memos to Apple Store employees reminding them that the iOS 7 beta requires an Apple Developer account to use. This memo was sent using Apple’s internal RetailMe application reminding employees of this as well as the fact that they cannot load iOS 7 onto another person’s device or show it off to Apple Store customers. However, employees are still encouraged to tell buyers about the update and to show them the iOS 7 webpage on Apple’s website. Employees were also told not to service devices running iOS 7.
Via the memo:
Am I allowed to load and use iOS beta software on my devices? Not unless you are a member of the iOS Developer Program, or have been explicitly authorized by management to participate in the development or testing of internal Apple applications as part of an official Apple project.
Apple sent this memo to employees because it felt that, if Apple Store customers were shown the iOS 7 beta, they would be confused with iOS 6’s current set of offerings.
On the OS X side of the things, Apple Store employees have reportedly been told to install and play with the upcoming OS X Mavericks beta. This allows Apple to collect feedback from more Mac users as well as allow retail employees to become more familiar with the OS before official launch in the fall. Apple made this announcement to its employees last month.