In August of 2011, Netflix first launched the “Just For Kids” feature and has since brought it to the Xbox, Blu-Ray players, smart TVs and more. Today Netflix announced that the “Just For Kids” User Interface is now available for the iPad.
Kids love iPads. My three- and five-year-old nephews would sit for hours in front of one playing Angry Birds, watching movies or just touching buttons without really knowing what they’re doing if they were allowed. Parents have to monitor their kids closely, though, to make sure the apps they open are kid friendly.
With Netflix “Just For Kids” now on iPads, parents can feel a little more secure that their kids don’t go from watching Dora the Explorer to Family Guy. Now kids can choose from different themes or can scroll through their favorite characters. When a character is tapped, a whole list of episodes appear that feature that character.
Netflix “Just For Kids” is only available for iPad 2 and the new iPad, but the company has said that versions for the original iPad and Android devices are on their way. Make sure to check out the video above to see exactly what “Just For Kids” offers, so you can feel more secure that your kid won’t end up watching something they shouldn’t.
Source: Netflix via TechCrunch