Steve Wozniak isn’t a fan of the lack of telecommunications regulation in the U.S.A. So much so that he’s willing to become an Australian citizen. Why, you ask? Australia is rolling out National Broadband Network (NBN) to everyone in the country.
Wozniak was ‘down under’ recently on behalf of employer Fusion-io, a server-based flash manufacturer that speeds up traditional access to data. He told Brisbane’s 4BC breakfast radio that he’d met with the American FCC (Federal Communications Commission), but was disappointed, stating that they “just don’t have the political idea to bring broadband to all the people who are 1 kilometre too far away”.
It turns out I can keep my American citizenship. I intend to call myself an Australian and feel an Australian, and study the history and become as much of a real citizen here as I can.
Woz was not connected to a broadband service in California because, he says, the only options available were a “monopoly”.
The UK’s Telegraph reports Australia’s ambitious $37.4 billion National Broadband Network aims to connect all Australians to superfast Internet by 2021. It’s a move the government hopes will transform the country’s economy. Under the NBN plan, 93 per cent of homes, schools and businesses will be linked by fibre optic. Those in more remote regions of the vast continent will receive their service by fixed wireless and satellite technologies.
Are you jealous?
Source: The Australian Financial Review, The Telegraph
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