Today, Hampus Jakobsson, the man behind the UI of Blackberry 10 and founder of The Astonishing Tribe, has announced via Twitter that he will no longer be working at RIM, the makers of the dying Blackberry mobile operating system. Jakobsson’s company, The Astonishing Tribe, was acquired by RIM in 2010. Blackberry fans were overjoyed with this acquisition as they were excited for a more modern design to come to the Blackberry OS. However, much of his influence wasn’t seen in Blackberry 7, but can definitely be seen in the upcoming Blackberry 10. Jakobsson said this about leaving the company via Twitter:
I’m handing over this to others in RIM now, but if you want to follow me as a ex-TAT-founder I’m at: @hajak
While Jakobsson did not say what he plans to do now that he’s left RIM, we can imply that he has some idea as he tweeted the following to a fan who asked why he left:
cause I’m a startup-guy and even if I really liked the company and the people, I felt it was time to start another one.
What do you think of Jakobsson leaving RIM? Does this spell death for the latest Blackberry OS, or will they still follow through? Let us know in the comments.
Source: BGR
Image Credit: StrebKR