Want an mSATA SSD compatible Thunderbolt storage array for your Mac? Look no further than the recently announced Drobo 5D and Drobo Mini. These new external storage arrays feature four (Mini) or five (5D) hard drive bays, mSATA SSDs for added performance, and Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 compatibility, which makes it perfect for the new MacBook Airs and Pros. All drives come with Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 cables so your Drobo is ready to use out of the box. The unique thing about Drobo storage solutions is that almost no user interaction is required to back up data by using the Drobo’s signature ‘BeyondRAID’ technology, which allows for smart volumes, drive reordering as well as other useful features.
The Drobo 5D features five 3.5-inch hard drive bays as well as all the features we’ve mentioned above. The 5D starts at a whopping $849 without drives. The Drobo Mini is substantially smaller, roughly the size of a deli sandwich. The Drobo Mini sports four 2.5-inch hard drive bays as well as all of the features listed above. If you want to buy a Drobo Mini for yourself, expect to drop $649. Both of these storage arrays will be available soon and are available for pre-order now via the Drobo Store and other resellers.
Source: MarketWire