Nerd Out With This Portal-Themed iPad Sleeve


Who among us isn’t a huge fan of Portal and Portal 2? They are AAA titles, and they’re available on the Mac. That alone is enough reason to love the series — let alone the innovative gameplay and stellar writing. So why not show off your love with this snazzy officially licensed Aperture Science iPad sleeve?

For only $29.99 USD, you can purchase your very own Portal-themed iPad case with the Aperture Science logo right on the front. It is designed for the iPad 2, but it should work fine with either the new iPad or the original iPad. In any case, this is the perfect accessory for any nerd on the go.

What do you think? Is this exactly what you need, or are you not fond of the sleeve concept? Sound off by leaving a comment below this post. We use the LiveFyre comment system, but all you need is a Twitter or Facebook account to log in and comment. Let us know what you think.


Grant is a writer from Delaware. In his spare time, Grant maintains a personal blog, hosts The Weekly Roar, hosts Quadcast, and writes for video games.