Foxconn to build five more Brazilian factories to keep up with tablet demand

The name Foxconn has been in the news a lot recently. Today they’re back, but not for the usual reason. Apple’s product assembler plans to build five additional factories in Brazil in response to the high demand for tablets. According to Brazilian news site Folha, news of additional factories was reported by São Paulo’s Secretary of Planning and Development of the State, Julio Semeghini. He said the five factories will each staff around 1,000 workers.

Last week Foxconn, which already receives tax breaks for producing tablets, had its tax reductions approved by the Brazilian government so that tablet production within the country could begin. This is due to the new Inter-Ministerial Decree 34 that states that companies investing in the research and development of keyboard-less touchscreen tablets weighing less than 750 grams qualify for excise, social contribution, and federal contribution tax incentives.

Reports say that officials from both Foxconn and the Brazilian government will meet after the Chinese New Year to decide on the location of these factories. It seems that the company is also sending jobs oversees – literally. Oh the irony.

Jared is a web designer with a passion for writing. Co-founded, The Industry & Evomail. Editor at