The Macgasm weekly rewind focuses on our original content and reviews that you may have missed the week starting September 5th.
Hello all. How’s everyone’s weekend going so far? Any big plans? No? Well you’re in luck. I have some fantastic posts that you may have missed this last week:
- A Case for Case-haters: the Mophie Juice Pack Air iPhone 4 Case Paul Skidmore
- NotifyMe for Mac: Cloud-Based Reminders for the Forgetful Susan Pigott
- Sonos announces it plays nicely with Lion Josh Wright
- Brilliant or Lame? Tablskin 2 for iPad Marilyn Halpin
- Mobile Photo Booth with PopBooth! Jen Butson
- Facebook updates iPhone app to 3.5, iPad still out in the cold Corey Woodcox
- Drobo researching Thunderbolt integration, sky remains blue Corey Woodcox
- Flickr Find Friday: The G4 Cube Marilyn Halpin
As always, thanks for reading and all your participation this last week!