There’s nothing like putting out fires before they even start burning. Apple’s currently refunding expedited shipping charges for the Apple TV to those people who were hoping to be able to yell FIRST on Twitter with a TwitPic of their new Apple TV.
Apple sent out an email notifying people that “Due to delay, we may have not been able to meet our delivery commitment.” There’s no mention of whether the device is being shipped directly from China, or if the Apple TV is so delayed that they’re going to miss their September release date. This nesw is a little bit curious considering that Apple, just yesterday, started charging the credit cards of those people who have already placed orders for the device.
The Apple Store has said for a while now that the device will ship in 2 to 3 weeks for a while now, despite TechCrunch’s claims that it was a recently changed from “Shipping in September” to “2 to 3 weeks.” Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I’ve been keeping an eye on the Canadian Store more than the US based store, so their could have been some discrepancies there.
I’ve been poking around our local Apple Store every couple of weeks trying to get my hands on the device, and from what I’ve been able to gather is that no one has any clue when they’ll show up, which isn’t exactly abnormal for the Apple Store. They generally don’t know anything until they show up at their shipping dock, and even then it’s a handful of people who would know immediately.
Article Via Macstories and TechCrunch and iLounge