Cyberduck has released a major update to their FTP program, which includes a number of new features and deeper integration with Amazon and Google functionality.
While the app already had the ability to connect to Amazon’s S3 network, as well as Google’s Doc uploads, they’ve extended the functionality to now include Access Control Lists for both S3 and Google Storage, giving users the ability to set up multiple accounts and permissions (Google’s system is based on their registered email account information).
The second huge feature set is the inclusion of versioning support on S3, giving you access to all the versions of previously stored documents and files. The number of times we’ve accidentally saved a bug-filled file over another for the website probably can’t fit on two hands. Now we can easily revert without having to dig through a bunch of backups. That’s pretty huge.
There’s also a bunch of other updates, but instead of listing off the press release here, we thought we’d direct you to their changelog instead.
Also notable is that this will be the last release that’s OS X only. Future versions will be available for Windows.