Have you ever dropped a file on an icon to have it open up the application for you, and load the file you dropped onto the icon? I do it all the time with images and Photoshop. Right clicking a file to select what application is going to open the program is a giant pain in the ass. My way is better if you ask me.
Anyway, you can do similar stuff with snippets of text and information. I bet you didn’t know you could do that, and if you did, you should really be writing for us, because I had absolutely no idea I could do it until I accidentally did it tonight.
Try this. Highlight some text in safari, and drag and drop that selected text onto your mail application. You should get a nice little new mail window, and the text smacked into that message box. Pretty nifty if you ask me.
Do you guys know of any other drag and drop miracles? I’d love to know them. Share in the comments.