If you’re anything like me, sometimes you’ll be busy working and suddenly take a big step back, hands on head, brain ticking away trying to find the right answer…what’s the shortcut to undo what I just did?
Oh yes, command+z. It’s easy to forget Apple’s shortcuts – after all, there’s hundreds of them. So Hu2 have made a handy reminder on the one’s so frequently forgotten so you’re never in a muddle again! You just stick them on the leg of your iMac or even on the front of a Macbook, acting as a little reminder that’s always there.
You can get this for £19 in the UK ($30 at today’s exchange rate) and I have to say, it seems worth it. Saves having all the shortcuts in a text file on your desktop, right?
(I don’t do that….promise…*ahem*)
Via applegazette.com