Never Forget – Hu2 reminder stickers

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you’ll be busy working and suddenly take a big step back, hands on head, brain ticking away trying to find the right answer…what’s the shortcut to undo what I just did?

Oh yes, command+z. It’s easy to forget Apple’s shortcuts – after all, there’s hundreds of them. So Hu2 have made a handy reminder on the one’s so frequently forgotten so you’re never in a muddle again! You just stick them on the leg of your iMac or even on the front of a Macbook, acting as a little reminder that’s always there.

You can get this for £19 in the UK ($30 at today’s exchange rate) and I have to say, it seems worth it. Saves having all the shortcuts in a text file on your desktop, right?

(I don’t do that….promise…*ahem*)


Charlotte is a freelance writer from the UK based in Central London. If she's not out shopping for shoes, you'll most likely find her reading books and posting musings on Twitter. She loves everything Apple and is permanently attached to… Full Bio