Apple is keeping their marketing machine running full force. Apple has added a new area on their website – iPhone Your Life. This new area has quite a few helpful sections.
iPhone Your Life attempts to help iPhone owners learn more about their phones. There are five sections to this part of the website: Around Town, World Travel, At Home, Getting Things Done, and Fun and Games.
Each of these sections provide useful information and links to applications that will help you get the most out of your iPhone. Let’s take the ‘Around Town’ section. On this page there are currently 18 different links to specific applications within the store.
This section gives links to YellowPages mobile, Urbanspoon, and even walking tours for New York City.
The Getting Things Done (GTD) page has all types of applications like Air Sharing, OmniFocus, and the Top 10 Paid Productivity Apps, both free and Paid.
Overall the website is a good location for anybody with an iPhone to go and get applications that might help. There are a few things that I don’t like about the website.
Within the Productivity Apps they have some ‘iTunes for Productivity’ links. But none of the links actually work. The links provided on the other pages do work, so I think this is just an oversight on Apple’s part.
If you know somebody who is a new iPhone user, I recommend sending them to this website in order to give them some ideas for applications.