Back in September, Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars was removed from the App Store. According to a note in the app’s description, the game had an iOS 7 incompatibility bug that was in the process of being fixed. It’s also worth noting that the app was lacking Retina Display support, a technology offered in select Apple devices since 2010.
However, as of today, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is back in action on the App Store. The app has reportedly been given both iOS 7 and Retina Display support, making it playable on the latest and greatest iOS devices. Not all aspects of the game have been given Retina support, including the menu UI and video cutscenes that were originally made for the Nintendo DS.
You can purchase Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for $4.99 for the iPad and iPhone.
Photo Source/Via: TouchArcade